What to do when they won't eat
What to do when they won't eat

What to do… when they won’t eat?

Ok, so, they DO eat something, but it’s not usually the meal that we plan for them.

Yes,  he’ll eat a bowl-full of carrots, or  whole cantaloupe in one  sitting. He loves bacon, and adores mac-and-cheese (as long as it’s the “right” kind). Together, the boys devour bell peppers and salads. You’d think they were rabbits…

Sometimes, it seems as though I’ve offered him everything in the house, and he only wants that one thing that he just ate the last of the day before.

But, then I talk to other parents and they moan about how their kid(s) won’t eat anything but cereal, or hot dogs, or something similarly particular. Some kids won’t eat any veggies, or they refuse certain fruits. Or, they won’t eat at all.

When I hear those stories, I know that my son (with all his quirky eating habits) gets the nutrition he needs. And, even in his eclectic menagerie of food choices, he does love good food.

So, what do I do?

I think I’m definitely showing more gray hairs  through this whole process. But, I also think we have to be patient, provide lots of food options that are healthy and nutritious… even tantalizingly tempting to a sometimes finicky little boy.

About Don Jackson

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