Tough Dad, Soft Dad

388891_10151366540472151_1923452298_n1It is hard for us older first-time Dads to try to not be super-tough-guy Dad, like we had. The old-school thinking, of “showing too much affection means a soft kid”. I just have a hard time believing that kind of thinking. I hug and kiss my son as often as I can, but is it too much? Can we make our sons soft by being too loving, by being too affectionate? I think in my son’s case, that may not be true as he tries ramming me with his head  like a Triceratops, and pushes his older brother down every chance he gets. Lucky for us, there is a good article out in the interwebs–that is a good read, one that I found quite helpful. For some, affection is quite easy. For others, it’s a pretty tough road to go. I guess the best way to look at it is: do it now and maybe years from now–when you need a hug or kind word–your son or daughter will be there to offer it.

Here’s the article… Attachment 101

About Don Jackson

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