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Milk Feels Like Home

As I watch the boys grow, milk has always been a constant. It’s there for them everyday (in so many ways: for so many of our most cherished memories), and it makes me think back to when I was a kid. Like most of you, milk was the old standby — breakfast, school lunch and snacks. But, now, milk is …

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Saving You From a Bad Day

Saving You From a Bad Day

Into every dad’s day, at least a little chaos must reign. Some days seem particularly insane, with a mishmash of playdates, storytime, school (drop-off and pick-up), meals, and then all the after-school activities. Even if we were running on  full night’s sleep, the haphazard schedule would be demanding; but now we’re also in the cold-flu-allergy season, so there’s also the coughing-sneezing-stuffed-up sleeplessness …

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What to do… when they won’t eat?

What to do when they won't eat

Ok, so, they DO eat something, but it’s not usually the meal that we plan for them. Yes,  he’ll eat a bowl-full of carrots, or  whole cantaloupe in one  sitting. He loves bacon, and adores mac-and-cheese (as long as it’s the “right” kind). Together, the boys devour bell peppers and salads. You’d think they were rabbits… Sometimes, it seems as …

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