The Epic is Here… Supermilkman

The Rock

We, here at Daddy Newbie Studios, were asked by the great guys/dads at the Life of Dad to become one of  25 Official Entrants in a contest to meet The Rock  in either LA or NY– inspired by The Rocks Super Bowl spot #SuperMilkMan.

[Please check out, and @MilkMustache (#SuperMilkMan and #TheRock).]

I have to say… When asked to do this, I jumped at the idea:

  • One because both boys drink tons of milk.
  • And let’s face it, milk is pretty darn good for you.

Now,  I know I’m probably supposed to say that I would love to meet The Rock, but (to be honest) I am all about kicking the tar out of my fellow dad bloggers. Beating them, and bragging about it for the next year = priceless. So, meeting The Rock and being a #SuperMilkMan–that all would just be icing on an already super-yummy cake.

Here’s Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson:

So, without further ado… The waiting is over!

That’s right, folks! The epic-summer movie everyone has been waiting for is here.

As part of our contest entry, we produce a superhero movie–that would make Man of Steel and Iron Man 3 look like a video shot by an amateur  on Instagram.

So, with a $300 million dollar budget (minus the $300 million part) and a 90-day shooting schedule (more like a 9-minute shoot)–all this was shot on IMAX film format (well, it was a HD iPad mini camera). We were fortunate enough to have access to a massive wardrobe department (more like: an old shirt that the boys and I cut up for masks PLUS a few towels for capes).

The boys and I had a lot of fun doing this project.

It took a couple of days, and a few extra-glasses of milk, but we got through it. One of the stars of this video was a little hard to work with, as he had his own thoughts on what he wanted to do for filming. But, big brother was a trooper and keep this group together, and I am extremely proud of him.


E may have a career in film–with how well he acted in this. We also had great behind-the-scenes video and pics, so check them out on Instagram as well.

Here are a few of the films, by my fellow daddy bloggers:

Disclaimer: Life of Dad, LLC, compensated me for my participation as an Official Entrant in the #SuperMilkMan Contest. Please review my full Disclosure

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  1. Nice job, Don! Thanks for the mention!

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