My Son – Hulk Smash Halloween

Yep, it  had to be Hulk!

It’s nearly Halloween, so we’ve been having a lot of discussions about costumes. As you can probably imagine, the kids change their minds a few times before they land on the ONE — that costume that will be the perfect one for that year. (I should also say that my son was Optimus Prime last year, and he was a dragon one year too — his brother was a knight that year).

So, this year, he at first wanted to be an Adominus Rex (straight out of LEGO Jurassic World). Barring that, he moved onto Hulk Buster (he loves that section of the Marvel Avengers, where Hulk Buster and Hulk have their epic battle). But, when he saw the Hulk costume, there was no other choice. He had to be the Hulk!

My Son, The Hulk

While it’s cute and funny, and perfectly in keeping with our appreciation of superheroes, it also reminded me of his fearless way of looking at the world, and also of that gleam in his eyes when he first discovered “HULK SMASH”…

Yes, Hulk is one of his favorite toys, and as I watch him play, I can’t help but wish that the Hulk was more than just a costume. Why?

I just despise the thought of watching my son come to any harm (by his own doing, or that of any other).

But even as I wish that, I know that he is already starting out on his own path, as ever-more-frequently he insists, “I can do it, Dada. Give it to me. I wanna do it.”

Encased in a Hulk-costume or not, he’s intent upon forging his way forward. I’m proud of him, but I also can’t help but wish for more time. Why can’t he be that little dragon, paired his his brother-knight?

About Don Jackson

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