Milk Feels Like Home

milkAs I watch the boys grow, milk has always been a constant. It’s there for them everyday (in so many ways: for so many of our most cherished memories), and it makes me think back to when I was a kid. Like most of you, milk was the old standby — breakfast, school lunch and snacks.

But, now, milk is an even bigger deal with the kids than it was for me. Maybe part of that is because we know more about the health benefits of milk  now than when I was a kid. But, I can also see the joy and excitement in their faces, even when we’re just going to pick up milk from the store!

I also know that it’s been a part of birthday celebrations, laughing breakfasts, those comforting snack breaks, and so many other events that I think we’ve really taken for granted. But,  if you stop for just a minute, you’ll likely see (as I have) how much they enjoy:

  • Cereal with milk


  • Oatmeal with milk



  • Hot chocolate



  • Steamed milk



  • French toast



  • Scrambled eggs, with milk



  • Mac & cheese, with milk.



As for me, cake with milk has been a favorite over the years. I still love it,  though I usually only eat it nowadays for special occasions.  Even though we don’t always realize it,  milk is a pivotal part of our lives. It is there when we wake up in the morning, and it is there to call and relax us (with steamed milk at bedtime). The boys also love to put some milk in their Sleepytime team, for those evenings when they just can’t sleep!

But, the boys also have learned a lot more about milk than I ever did as a kid. But, as a family, we’ve discussed the importance of milk.

Here are just a few facts that we talk about:

  • Lots of kids won’t have milk over the summer months — more than 22 million children don’t have consistent access to milk when school lets out for the summer.
  • We talk about where milk comes from…
  • We donate to — to deliver a gallon of milk to a family right her in ABQ via our local food banks.
  • We also talk about how health milk is! You probably already have the “9 essential nutrients” drilled into your memory.
  • It’s also in short supply for those families who need it. Because it’s perishable, few donate milk to food banks.

I want my kids to know that they can make a difference. I want them to care about whether or not other kids (and families) have enough food to eat,  and milk to drink. So, we’re excited to be a part of this campaign. I’m hopeful that you will join with me to help ensure that we provide as much milk to kids in need as possible!

So… On June 16, The Great American Milk Drive is challenging America to donate gallons of milk for kids in need in their communities with a major, one-day social media milk drive. America’s milk companies and dairy farmers will make gallons multiply across the country by matching up to $10,000 in donations.


You can follow this social media-driven milk drive on Facebook and Twitter with #MilkDrive.


Disclosure: I have partnered with Life of Dad and Milk Life for this promotion. I have received compensation for my participation, but my passion and thirst for Milk is my own.

About Esther

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