Kindness Matters – Join the Kind Army

It’s the season of hope and promise and forgiveness, but it’s also one of the most difficult times of the year. That’s why this campaign offers such an important message for all of us.

The #KindAwesome campaign is about calling out those kind things we do:

  • So our kids will see and be kind
  • So we’re reminded that there really are good and caring people in this world
  • So we can make the world a better place

‘Tis the season… Join the #kind army via! Help us spread some #kindawesome …

A photo posted by Don Jackson (@daddynewbie) on

I know, we were all told the same general thing when we were young: “Be kind to your siblings, friends and neighbors. Be polite.” It was ingrained into us, but it isn’t until we teach our own children those important lessons that we begin to understand the true essence of what it is to be kind.

  1. Being kind means caring enough to teach.
  2. It’s about listening, and offering counsel.
  3. Kindness is still about opening the door for a stranger (or your companion).
  4. It’s about taking care of the community.
  5. It’s about saying a kind word, or just offering a smile.

There are so many ways that we can be kind to one another. It’s simple, really, and we see those acts of kindness every day. But, how often do we stop and say “Thank you!” — with bravado. Hey, they’ve done something really great (even if it was opening the door, offering a smile, or letting me go first in line.

How do you show your #kindawesome ? Join us in the #kind Revolution with @KindSnacks #ad

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Being #KindAwesome isn’t hard, it takes only a minute, but it might mean the whole world to someone else!

Be Sure To Follow KIND On Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.


I have partnered with Life of Dad and KIND for this promotion.

About Don Jackson

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