Hot Day…Days

IMAG0376aIt is starting to get warm, and it is really getting warm here in this house, as the A/C is out. If dealing with a little guy is tough, dealing with a youngster who is hot is even more of a good time.

Cold baths and Otter pops can only cool you for so long, and it doesn’t really work well at night, close to bedtime.

Add to all that, you’re tired and hot and trying to meet deadlines and you have some good times for all involved.

These are those days that try you to the core, testing all your skills and patients, molding you into that super parent that lies within all of us, but we fight to let that part  out as it can be so much easier to just give in and rent a hotel room. It is so hard not to become frustrated and short with your child, and I won’t say that I haven’t fallen prey to that, but I would like to think I have ridden this storm without too many let downs.

That is the tough part about being a parent, as we have so much going on, just in life (in general) that when you add more to that mix, it can be a lot to ask. We aren’t allowed those timeout days, or to hit the “pause” button to give us a moment to catch my breathe.

It is about 90 degrees in the office right now as I write this blog post. My son is splashing around in a cool bath with a laugh here and there, playing with his toys. I know this is my pause button, this brief moment to pen some of my thoughts down here, but it is more then that, as his laughs and mumbling to those toys, bring a smile to my face.

I may not be cooler, but I am feeling a little better about these past 2 days of hotness–all because of a little boy’s laugh as he plays in the water. My hope is that tomorrow the A/C will be working. If not, Sheraton here we come.

Now, off to go end my pause and join in the coolness. Shoes off, and in the feet go. Let’s play T-Rex-eats-the-monster-truck, fun-time.

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