Holiday Giving – #LeeGoodDeed Gives Back

When we were approached by Life of Dad and Lee Jeans — to participate in this important (and inspiring) campaign — I jumped at the chance.

Do the right thing! Join us in #LeeGoodDeed @leejeans @lifeofdad @daddynewbie #Holiday #Giving

A photo posted by Don Jackson (@daddynewbie) on

After all, it’s the merriest time of the year, but it’s also the hardest… We recently spent a week in DC and Florida with representatives from the 50 states — all those ambassadors came together to talk about their experience with chronic illness, and also share how the amazing care of doctors and nurses made a difference in their lives. With my own personal experience with cancer, as well as my son’s experience, we regularly volunteer to share our story, and we also participate in fundraising events. Giving back to our community is also at the core of our local dad’s group, as we move forward with a pizza party with the kids at the hospital, meals for hospital-bound families, and other fun ways to offer support for local families.

#Champions14 Miracles happen… A photo posted by Don Jackson (@daddynewbie) on

For us, there are a few important reasons to participate in giving during the holiday season (and all year long):

  1. Community. It’s a great day for us, as parents, to come together in a joint (worthy) effort.
  2. Education. The experience shows the kids that it’s fun to give back.
  3. Giving. It’s so much easier than most people think, but it’s my hope that our activity inspires others to give back.

It’s not too late for you to participate in a holiday giving activity.

  • Find a cause. If you look around or conduct a web search, you’ll find more ideas than you can probably fulfill in your lifetime. Pay particular attention to those causes that hold particular significance to you and your family.
  • Give. It can be as simple bringing a toy to a child at the local hospital, donating food or toys to an animal-rescue shelter, and gathering essential supplies in a backpack for a homeless family.
  • Make a different. Your gift of time and goods doesn’t have to be Earth-shattering (important causes survive on the gifts of every individual and family who want to contribute — and make a difference!).

Do the right thing! Join us in #LeeGoodDeed @leejeans @lifeofdad @daddynewbie #Holiday #Giving

A photo posted by Don Jackson (@daddynewbie) on

In addition to all the other activities we are participating in this year, we wanted to give back on a personal level this year. So, the boys and I filled a stocking with a bunch of toys and fun stuff — and we’ve taken it to the hospital. From experience, we know that this time of year represent the hardest days to spend time in the hospital. Family, friends and school–all are participating in parties and activities. To be stuck in a hospital bed is, well, sad. So, this year, we’re bringing a little holiday-giving cheer to others… Thanks so much to Lee Jeans for showing their commitment to the community and our most important causes, and then inspiring us all to make a difference!

About Don Jackson

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