Hello world – a beginning

Well, I am a new Dad (or will perpetually feel that way).404220_10150686523829505_725755089_n1

Like a lot of you, I feel super unprepared and afraid of messing my child up, in ways that will require years of therapy for them. I have this fear daily, but as of yet I have not lost or injured him in any noticeable way. This site is a place for dads to get ideas, to vent and share things with other like-minded dads, because–let’s face it–we don’t have all the answers (but, to our kids, we are supposed too). I have become a dad pretty late in life (I turn 40 in a few days), and I have a Doctorate in Forensic Psychology, so one would think I would know some of life’s answers (and that I’d be somewhat prepared to be a Dad).

I wake up every day knowing now that I am so unprepared (or at least I feel that way, most days). And, on other days, I know I feel super under-qualified to be a Dad.  Well, as a lot of you may have figured out, we all have so much more to learn–in so many areas. I think raising a child is a lot like your life: a work in progress.

Our kids don’t come with easy to read instructions, or a how-to book, you get in most cases, a messy birth,( so not what I heard a lot of people say,” as the most beautiful thing they ever went through”, as it was smelly, a lot of pain from a ninja death grip on my hand, and my son pooing some greenish/dark-brown stuff. The whole thing was a little on the smelly side, so seeing his face: yeah, beautiful. But the rest, oh so not!

So, I hope, through this site , we can become better Dads, or at least “ok” Dads, thru this journey we call Fatherhood.

“Perhaps it takes courage to raise children.” – John Steinbeck, East of Eden

About Don Jackson

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