Find an outlet

It is good to be around your child, but you also need some ‘me’ time. Be it: heading to your local watering hole to have a beer or 4 with your buddies (as one may not be enough for the week you have had), a hike in the 4331_81108922150_4866966_nmountains… anything that allows you to get away for a bit.

As for me, I have a guys’ football  trip weekend I take. And, up until this year, a group of us have played PlayStation NCAA  College Football, every Sunday evening for the past 11 years.

Most of the guys in my core group of friends are married, so playing what most grown-ups call a kid’s game, is great for us. It keeps us out of the bar scene, wives know where their husbands are, and it is a super-cheap night out (unless you break a $60 controller, then not so much).

As an on-line game, you can play it anywhere, and (in my opinion) it’s a lot of fun.

So, find an outlet. Do what makes you happy–be it for a few minutes or hours– so you can be a better rounded, adjusted parent. If you’re happy, everyone around your sphere-of-living is as well.

Being a parent is super stressful at times. Heck, being a grown-up is tough enough… So, find your balance.

About Don Jackson

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