Into Every Dad’s Life, Some #Ickies Must Fall!

Into every parent’s life, some #ICKIES must fall. And, let’s be honest, most of us have had enough gross ICK to last many lifetimes!

From the moment my son entered the world, he’s been at the very center of one mess-after-another. You know what I’m talking about:

  • Marker murals all over the floor, walls–even his arms and legs
  • Blotches of chocolate pudding strewn across the room (he found that particularly hilarious)
  • Muddy footprints, after splashing in puddles of much (he was soaked from head-to-foot)
  • Chocolate frosting, smeared everywhere… (his excuse was a birthday, but he believes every day should be his birthday!)

Or, even this: a chocolate milk mustache… soon to be accompanied by a MESS, when he pours the milk all over the flour!


With most of my son’s messes, he usually sports some variation of this massively mischievous grin.

Yes, it’s cute… But, it’s also frustrating (some days, in particular). So, #ICKIES just have a way of bringing tears to my eyes… How can one little person be the center of such a whirlwind of chaos?

That’s why I’m looking forward to taking on the #ICKIES!

  • What (you’ll probably say)? The #ICKIES is a Twitter party for the Clorox Ick Awards
  • Where (in social spheres)? On Twitter (of course), hashtag #Ickies
  • When (as in date and time)? Wed., April 9th, 6-10 pm ET / 3-7 pm PT


Did You Read The Word “PRIZES”?

That’s right… The Clorox Ick Awards Twitter Party is giving away $2,500 in prizes. You probably already know the drill, if you want to win. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. REGISTER for the Rafflecopter giveaway
  2. SIGN-IN TO THE TWITTER PARTY! (on April 9th)
  3. PARTICIPATE – Tell all your best messy stories for your chance to win!

When the #ICKIES are really bad, you really don’t have a choice! It’s either laugh or cry. So, why not come join us for the Twitter Party, and laugh through all the hilarity of MESS!


OUTCOME: Near-Live Improv, by  Rachel Dratch and the players from The Second City Communications. The combo is sure to be rocked with hilarity.

So, what are you waiting for? Prizes, messy story-telling… and even improv fun! GO REGISTER NOW!


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About Don Jackson

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