• BloggerIdol 2013

    I auditioned for #BloggerIdol 2013! Please go like the Official Blogger Idol page and let them know …

  • Finding time to work at home

    Working from home can be pretty tough–even tougher with a 2 year old. I love my time with my s…

  • Milk can’t fly

    Well, another week has gone by. This is what I’ve learned or what I think I learned: “Mi…

  • Writing a post

    I am here in my office, trying to come up with a topic to write about today and I hear, “D..a.…

Recent Posts

Where have our sports heroes gone?

“Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.” ~ Carl Jung The 65-game suspension of Ryan Braun, the looming specter of more suspensions being handed out, and the NFL’s ongoing player problems with legal troubles, drug use, etc.–it’s all left me to wonder:  Where have all our sports heroes gone? Guys get into trouble for taking performance …

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Nature Center Day–Turned Spinosaurus/T-Rex Hunt

The day began as an innocent trip to the local Nature Center, but ended with an epic hunt for the elusive Spinosaurus. No-wait, T-Rex. No, Spinosaurus (or was it a T-Rex?)… As I said, the day began as a simple trip to the Nature Center, but when you have a 2-year-old (any child, for that matter), does “simple” ever-really apply? If you …

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Trying to explain the world to my son

My son is nearly 2 (and a half) years old. I know, in the next few years, I will need to answer some tough and not-so-tough questions that he will have. Questions like: “Dada, why is the sky blue?” “Dada, why can’t I have ice cream before bed?” “Dada, why do my brother and me have different last names?” “Dada, …

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