• BloggerIdol 2013

    I auditioned for #BloggerIdol 2013! Please go like the Official Blogger Idol page and let them know …

  • Finding time to work at home

    Working from home can be pretty tough–even tougher with a 2 year old. I love my time with my s…

  • Milk can’t fly

    Well, another week has gone by. This is what I’ve learned or what I think I learned: “Mi…

  • Writing a post

    I am here in my office, trying to come up with a topic to write about today and I hear, “D..a.…

Recent Posts

Day 02 Chuck the Chunk

Well I made it out… Day 2 of Chuck the Chunk! Sort of, as I am very sore in places I wasn’t aware were muscles. On a good note, straws are my friend, as arms are not wanting to bend without reminding me that I am old, fat and extremely out of shape. The workout went pretty well. I was …

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Stop, you’re growing too fast

“O sweet, delusive Noon, Which the morning climbs to find, O moment sped too soon, And morning left behind.” – Helen Hunt Jackson Where has the time gone? It seems like just-yesterday, you fit into my hand: so small and (seemed) so breakable. I was so scared every time you moved or made a noise. I would hold my breath and just …

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Day 01: Chuck the Chunk

Well here we are on Day 01, weight-in time for the “Chuck the Chunk” challenge. Today, I am breaking the scale at an eye-popping 260 pounds. Our goal is to be 200 pounds, with 60 pounds of weight-loss, by January 1, 2014. Boy, this may be impossible, but as they say: “Go big, or go home!” Well, I guess we want …

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