• BloggerIdol 2013

    I auditioned for #BloggerIdol 2013! Please go like the Official Blogger Idol page and let them know …

  • Finding time to work at home

    Working from home can be pretty tough–even tougher with a 2 year old. I love my time with my s…

  • Milk can’t fly

    Well, another week has gone by. This is what I’ve learned or what I think I learned: “Mi…

  • Writing a post

    I am here in my office, trying to come up with a topic to write about today and I hear, “D..a.…

Recent Posts

Becoming a Healthy Dad – 4 Reasons to Get Healthy

Living a healthy lifestyle is not always easy, particularly when so many temptations are there. I also have my own share of additional challenges (as a cancer survivor), which really works to make me even more intent being a #healthydad! Why? I want to stay active (as a #HealthyDad)–so I can keep in shape (lose weight) and keep up with my boys …

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Epic Mushroom Bacon & Egg Burger for #ShroomTember

It’s Game TIME, and we’ve been mixing it up with all our favorite ingredients–combined into a hand-held (albeit messy), mushroom-infused burger! Bacon + eggs + mushrooms + ground beef… It’s like combining all of our favorite meals into one epic burger. When you throw this burger on the grill, and then stack all the other ingredients on-top, this will be …

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A Black Eye for Us All

For a brief period of time, over the last few weeks, I have felt like it was 1914 and not 2014… How far we have advanced in technology, medicine and overall quality of life? Yet, we don’t appear to have progressed at all in other areas.  I find myself uncertain, not quite sure how to explain to my son what we have all …

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