• BloggerIdol 2013

    I auditioned for #BloggerIdol 2013! Please go like the Official Blogger Idol page and let them know …

  • Finding time to work at home

    Working from home can be pretty tough–even tougher with a 2 year old. I love my time with my s…

  • Milk can’t fly

    Well, another week has gone by. This is what I’ve learned or what I think I learned: “Mi…

  • Writing a post

    I am here in my office, trying to come up with a topic to write about today and I hear, “D..a.…

Recent Posts

First Car Moment

It’s one of those moments that most of us won’t ever forget: the #firstcarmoment. I worked so hard to earn enough money to buy my first car. It was a truck (actually),  and it was quite possibly the most beautiful thing I’d ever owned. At least, it sure was shiny and new when I drove it off the lot for …

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Adapted – On the Eve of 4

I was asked to contribute to a series of readings on fathers. So, I read this adaptation. For me, it captures a little of what being a father means: to love, to be there, to wish for more time… My son: Tomorrow, you turn four years old… and I can’t believe where the time has gone. Do you remember? Can …

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Dad Event: Ultimate Chore Challenge & Giveaway

Fellow parents have been asking me the same question: What will I be doing for Father’s Day weekend? And, my answers have been variations on the same theme. But, it’s really simple: I’ll be spending time with my son. That’s why I was thrilled to hear about a great activity for dads and their families in locations all over the …

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