Day 06 Chuck the Chunk

1003042_10152116524759616_1764882450_n1Another day of Chuck the Chunk…

Well, I worked out hard this am, and went for a 2-hour mountain hike in the afternoon.

I only have hurting-pain in my knees, legs, and back. The rest of me feels like a rockstar.

I came in under my calorie count today, by about 210. (Maybe a late night 1/4 cup of dried cranberries is in my future, and no I won’t share. It may cost you some digits if you try to take some.)

This is a short post today, as I getting stuff together to go camping for a few days. My days will be filled with hiking, and trying to find things to eat–Bear Grylls style.

I am sure I will find things that taste like “boogies” and crunch a lot.

I will post again on Tuesday, if no animals find me matable or want to make me into a buffet.

Until then, stay sweaty interwebs…

About Don Jackson

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