Dads Have #RealStrength

I first connected with Dove Men’s Care at Dad 2.0 last year. I really like their products, and it’s been great to be connected with them. But the Super Bowl commercial this year is one of those A-HA moments. Beyond the obvious (that it puts dads and their relationship with their kids front-and-center), it’s got some great scenes.

Yes, it’s unforgettable. We watch all those moments, and we can all relate. It’s Dad to the rescue: feeding, clothing, potty-training, comforting him when he cries, and combing the tangled hair (as our kid wriggles, squirms and twists).

Dads stay connected.  We show affection. We’re there for all the big moments (wedding days and graduations), but we’re also there for all the other times: running around on the playground, swimming, costuming (for Halloween). We have epic tickle fights and we’re always there–be it for hugs and encouragement, as well as laughter and tears.

What makes us stronger? It really is about showing that we care. It’s what being a dad is all about!

If you watched all the Super Bowl commercials this year, which ones were your favorite? What did you think about the commercials that centered around dads?

About Don Jackson

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