
I like to think of myself as a dad-in-training. Although I don’t have any children of my own, I take as much time as possible to visit and take care of my spectacular niece and nephew – I call them my adopted children. My cunning niece, Kendel, is a one year old, and my rambunctious nephew, Ashon, is three years old; and they are both the center of my universe. My happiest days are the days I get to spend with them – whether it’s playing games with the ever-energetic Ashon or being cleverly persuaded into handing out one too many cookies to Kendel.

My love for Kendel and Ashon was the hardest part of my decision when I recently decided to move halfway across the country to Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was extremely difficult to move away from them, but at twenty-three years old, I decided it was time to take a chance, leave my electrical engineering job, and pursue my dream of entrepreneurship full time.

My love for my niece and nephew is the inspiration for my new and exciting product. One day, as I was thinking of them, I was struck with a memory of one of the first times I took care of Ashon by myself. He was drinking apple juice from a sippy cup and toddling around the living room when all of a sudden whoosh. I hadn’t secured the cap of the cup tightly enough and the juice went all over his clothes.

I’m sure that millions of frantic uncles, aunts, babysitters, and (of course) parents have encountered the same types of problems. There’s nothing as harmlessly dangerous as handing a toddler a cup of something that stains. For this reason I knew I’d come up with something special as I developed my new product: LiquidOff.

LiquidOff is a magical, self-cleaning, liquid repelling spray for clothing. The reason I call it magical is because of how unbelievably well it works. One quick spray of LiquidOff, and your clothes will stay repellant to liquids and stains for a long time. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to spray your darling daughter’s white dress and not have to worry about fruit punch stains ever again?

Perhaps my favorite quality of LiquidOff is the fact that it is 100% safe, green, and eco-friendly. I love Kendel and Ashon like they’re my own kids, and I would never dare to use a harmful product on their clothing which is why it was imperative to create a product that contains no harmful chemicals, just a water-based treated that gets the job done. A few sprays of LiquidOff, and instead of concentrating on potential stains, I’ll be able to devote all of my attention on showing my niece and nephew a fun and happy time.

This project has been an ongoing one for the past year and it is a rewarding feeling to have been able to create a product that will potentially make parenting a bit easier. One less thought is one less problem. We are finally live on Kickstarter and it would be a pleasure to be able to have your support. We have some pretty nice perks as well so definitely check out our page and let me know what you think.
Thank you for allowing me to share my story. It is absolutely an honor to be able to serve a generation of people who are making the world a better place by being a great Dad!

About Harold Stewart

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