It’s easy to see how my life would have been different if I’d never become a father. In the same breathe, though, I don’t want to imagine any other life. You’ve gotta admit, this life as a dad is pretty awesome, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
It’s not always easy. Nothing in life is really easy 100% of the time, but it’s worthwhile, and I’m thankful for the experience. As a dad, I’m thankful…
- Every morning: When he runs into my room, and says, “Dada, it’s time to get up…,” I’m thankful that he is excited to meet his day, and so eager to tell me all about his dreams.
- During those sick days: When he holds on tight, cuddling up in my arms, I’m thankful that he will be well again shortly.
- As his coach: When he’s so excited that he hit the baseball, or caught the ball, I’m thankful that he’s so strong and tall (growing every day).
- Watching him laugh or smile: Yes, it’s one of those most-memorable moments when they first crack a smile as a baby, but I still love it… every day, every moment he laughs, giggle, is silly, and jumps for joy. I’m thankful.
- At night: I tuck him in at night, and he wants to tell me again all about the exciting events of his day. I’m thankful that he’s healthy and happy, and that he loves to share everything about his life and experiences.
And, yes, when I hold him in my arms, I feel so happy…
I’m thankful to be a part of his life, for the opportunity to watch him grown. But, it’s also so hard to see that he’s not so little any more. He doesn’t fit into the crook of my arm. He’s tall and self-reliant. He rarely wants to sit on my shoulders, and soon that won’t even be possible.
He faces every new day more-and-more on his own, and I stand by, his biggest fan. And, I’m thankful to be his dad.
Disclosure: I have partnered with Life of Dad and Pampers for this post. All opinions are 100% mine.