Chuck the Chunk Day 19-20

Well Chunksters, here we are at day 20, and I am feeling pretty good.

Today, I ended my day 400 under my calorie limit.

Don’t get me wrong… I could so go for a grilled-pork steak and some macaroni salad, with a nice piece of chocolate cake. But, no worries.

I had: some chicken, potatoes and then finished it all off with some baby carrots for my desert. It really isn’t that bad, but all that imaginary meal still sounds good.

I did find some great, fat-burning snacks that I can eat, and I am looking forward to that.

I will share some of those on the next post. I don’t want to give away all my secrets in one post. Well, I’m off to bed, as I am pretty tired tonight and my morning workout will be here before I know it.

Until the next blog post, my fellow Chucksters. Stay sweaty, my friends. On the road to Chuck the Chunk.

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