Well, Day 09 of Chuck the Chunk is in the books and the weigh-in went well. I started last week at 260 lbs. At weight-in last night, I am at 256 lbs.–with a loss of 4 pounds. I am pretty happy with that–as eating the foods on this diet are lacking the yummy, and the workouts have kicked my butt. …
Read More »Day 07-08 Chuck the Chunk
Ok, well, this is day 07 and 08, as I was camping. We did a little hiking, but mostly lived in the rain. I should have packed the Ark instead of my tent. This is going to be short and sweet, unlike my awesome camping trip–with little sleep, eats and a solid lack of a good time. Until tomorrow my …
Read More »Day 06 Chuck the Chunk
Another day of Chuck the Chunk… Well, I worked out hard this am, and went for a 2-hour mountain hike in the afternoon. I only have hurting-pain in my knees, legs, and back. The rest of me feels like a rockstar. I came in under my calorie count today, by about 210. (Maybe a late night 1/4 cup of dried …
Read More »Day 05 Chuck the Chunk
Just a quick check in–for Chuck the Chunk–as I’m getting ready to head out of town for a few days. The workout went great: 2 hours (I did the stationary bike for cardio; worked arms, legs and did some core work). I have started doing sit-ups and push-ups before bed. I started Day 2 with two sets of 50, and …
Read More »Day 04 Chuck the Chunk
It is day 4 of my epic war with the fat dragon that must be slain: Chuck the Chunk. These first few days, I have won more battle then I have lost. I am feeling less-and-less sore–which makes moving, talking and breathing that much easier and more welcome. I have made a few changes to the diet, adding more ruffage, …
Read More »Day 03 Chuck the Chunk
Well, I am pretty sure I lost 1/32 of a pound during my workout today, which means CHAMPIONSHIP! It’s another day in the Chuck the Chunk challenge! Today, just my back, legs and arms hurt–as opposed to yesterday, when everything but my hair hurt. I also included some 2.5-year-old boy up/downs (pick-him-up, set-him-down, up-the-stairs to get T-Rex, and down-the-stairs–as he forgot …
Read More »Day 02 Chuck the Chunk
Well I made it out… Day 2 of Chuck the Chunk! Sort of, as I am very sore in places I wasn’t aware were muscles. On a good note, straws are my friend, as arms are not wanting to bend without reminding me that I am old, fat and extremely out of shape. The workout went pretty well. I was …
Read More »Day 01: Chuck the Chunk
Well here we are on Day 01, weight-in time for the “Chuck the Chunk” challenge. Today, I am breaking the scale at an eye-popping 260 pounds. Our goal is to be 200 pounds, with 60 pounds of weight-loss, by January 1, 2014. Boy, this may be impossible, but as they say: “Go big, or go home!” Well, I guess we want …
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