Breaking parenting rules

Have you made parenting rules that you’ve also broken?  420923_10151368217409505_2090253149_n1

Heck, the list of rules I made has been a paper weight on my desk for about 1 3/4 years of my son’s 2 years of life.

  • No tv rule
  • No crappy food

We have all had them. And, we resolve not to break parenting rules.

In my (former) academic life, theory ruled. Everything looks great on paper, right?–like my fantasy football line-up on Sunday morning. Then, my team loses and my buddy calls me on Tuesday asking if I forgot to set my line-up.

Before becoming a parent, you (like me) probably thought you’d “re-write” this parenting thing. Own it–with all those great ideas and thoughts.

Boy, I was so wrong, I went from Dad GOAT (Greatest Of All Time), to 3-Men-and-a-Baby Dad (when they first meet baby).

Most of my ideas (and rules) didn’t work quite as well as I’d anticipated. I’ve learned that not much goes as planned; things are forever changing. The best parenting tip to give any new expecting parent is: Be adaptable.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel; just try and improve things where you can.

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