Well, I do my best to be a Romeo. (This was hard for me, as I do not see myself as being attractive.) Yet, I accepted this important mission–to take on the role of Romeo (or at least portray myself as such for @Starbucks #LatteRomeo). After all, we all know how essential the morning coffee is in the lives of dads (and moms).
I have to say… I ended up having so much fun putting it all together–with the boys.
Of course, the problem we had was: we had so much Romeo to put into the sparse Instagram 15-second video. After a number of takes, we ended up with more than 55 seconds of crazy fun times. (Don’t worry, though… We didn’t trash everything… We’ll splice it into a longer version of the #LatteRomeo episode–for your viewing pleasure. I know how much you all love watching the boys act in our videos).
How to Become a #LatteRomeo
Thanks to #StarbucksVia, we were able to transform this old, worn-out, and tired dad into a sexy #LatteRomeo of a beast–you can’t contain all this beautiful Romeo-man.
As this video will show, all of my magnificent claims are true; or they are a close. If you squint ever-so-slightly, you can see all of these things.
This was my first taste of the #StarbucksVia latte, and I really did love it. Yes, Starbucks gave me free packets… and the stuff transformed me into a #LatteRomeo, but I’m not going to lie–it’s really good-tasting stuff (and the serious solution for all those sleepless nights and chaotic days of a stay-at-home dad.
But (I think you’ll agree whole-heartedly here), the best part about the #StarbucksVia latte packets is that… IN MINUTES, you–too–can become a #LatteRomeo. Just add hot water and stir up that bad boy.
If you’d like to capture those #LatteRomeo moments, capture a 15-second video, post to Instagram (using the #LatteRomeo hashtag), and enter for a chance to win $500. Not a bad deal for 15-seconds of #LatteRomeo fame! Imagine all the romancing you could do with that extra $500 of winnings, lining your pockets…

Take a look at more #StarbucksVia videos at:
[Disclaimer: I received 2 sample 12-packs of #StarbucksVia for free, as well as monetary compensation for creating my video and promoting it on my blog. I have personally reviewed this product, and believe it’s of benefit to my readers. Please take a look at my full Disclosure.]
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