5 Reasons You Need Holiday #PinkRelief

pepto-parachuteThe holidays are a time of fun, laughter and memory-making experiences. But,  with all that frivolity, there comes a fair bit of discomfort. That’s just part of why I was thrilled to hear about the #PinkRelief campaign by Pepto-Bismol. It’s a product I know has helped me and so many other parents over the years, and it’s also been a pleasure to work with fellow dad bloggers and XY Media to share our personal experiences with #PinkRelief.

So, while I could come up with many more reasons I’ve made Pepto-Bismol an essential part of my holiday:6_12ctOriginalTablets

  1. Fudge: It’s one of the best parts of the holidays, but fudge and other sweets are also major culprits for indigestion and other maladies during these most festive days of the year.
  2. Fast food: While it’s fun to spend all these Christmastime moments with the family and friends, holiday activities, planning, prepping, and all the rest — it’s enough to drive us toward fast food. While it may taste good, and even been quick to pick up while we’re running from one thing to another, it’s also not the ideal way to prevent indigestion and stomach upset.
  3. Holiday on the Big Screen: So many of us enjoyed a movie, or any number of other fun movies this holiday, but it can also be a time of discomfort. Yeah, I’m sure you saw (and felt) it too, when you were leaving the theater after all the popcorn-soda-candy-hot-dog mash-up. It’s another time when I’m glad I  carry my solution with me.7_30ctInstaCoolTablets
  4. Mystery Party Foods: Yep, not all the foods and sweets will be within our realm of choice. Sometimes, we try foods that just don’t agree with our systems, or the mixture of foods just hit the stomach,  well — in the wrong way. It may have all be a beautiful and delectable medley of colors and flavors. But, it also has a way of leaving us in misery, later on…
  5. Travel Surprise: Even when we’ve been careful about what we eat, there’s just something about traveling that throws a wrench in our digestive systems. And, let’s face it: The holidays are a famous time for travel. Maybe you’re visiting your inlaws, or it’s a fun family trip for the holidays. Any way you cut it, there’s that very real possibility that something along the way will require #PinkRelief!

pepto1I know… some dads seem to have a hardy constitution. They never seem to get sick, and they are able to eat anything.  While it’s awesome to hear their stories about crazy adventures, and I’ve had my share of questionable choices in food, I really would prefer not to feeling sick for the holidays (and I’m sure you’re the same way!) And, I’ve found, it’s easier to be safe than sorry. After all, who wants to spend Christmas and New Year’s Day in absolute misery (nor do we want to miss any of those memory-making moments)? Pepto offers the #PinkRelief we all need — to get through those times of upset, allowing us all to enjoy these times together.


Pepto-Bismol provided me with a welcome-box of product samples, as well as compensation for writing this post. All opinions are 100% my own. 

About Don Jackson

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